Legal notice
ait-deutschland GmbH
Industriestraße 3
95359 Kasendorf
T +49 9228 / 99 607 0
F +49 9228 / 99 607 1099
E [email protected]
Managing Directors: Marco Roßmerkel, Sjacco van de Sande
Commercial Register: Bayreuth, HRB 2991
VAD ID No. DE812634472
TAX ID No. 208/121/50384
Persons responsible for content in accordance with §55 RStV: Marco Roßmerkel, Sjacco van de Sande
Online Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform at for consumers to use to resolve disputes and for further information on dispute resolution.
Out-of-court Settlement of Disputes
We are neither obliged nor prepared to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body in the event of a dispute with a consumer.
Legal Notice
All rights reserved. All information on the webpages are property of ait-deutschland GmbH and are the latest information at the time of release and are subject to the copyright of ait-deutschland GmbH. Any replication or reproduction of the entire content or parts of it without the approval of ait-deutschland GmbH in written form are not allowed. ait-deutschland GmbH is neither liable for direct nor indirect damages caused through using information or data which is on this webpage. Contents may not be reproduced, shared, transmitted and/or published or saved - neither entirely nor partly - without prior approval of the originator in written form. All rights reserved concerning technical changes or changes with respect to the dimensions of the devices.
Responsibility regarding links
On this webpage there are links to other webpages on the internet. Concerning all these links: In particular we would like to emphasise that we do not have any impact on the design and contents of linked webpages. Therefore we distance ourselves from the contents of these webpages and do neither embrace their contents as our property nor are responsible for these contents. This declaration is applicable to all links and contents of the webpages.
The icons used have the following licences:
The icons used have the following licences: