Start Services Heat pump insurance

Up to 15 years of full protection for your novelan heat pump!

Follow-up insurance for NOVELAN heat pumps

You own a NOVELAN heat pump* and have purchased the 5-year NOVELAN manufacturer's warranty (IBN5+) for it? The best conditions to protect yourself against unexpected costs with immediate effect with a follow-up insurance for up to 15 years.

During the first five years, the IBN 5+ package provides you with a manufacturer's warranty from NOVELAN. For the period after the warranty expires, you can conclude insurance coverage for the year following the warranty. Then you can extend the insurance cover annually up to a maximum of 10 years after the warranty period. Warranty period and insurance thus complete each other to provide protection for up to 15 years.

*All standard heat pumps (+ accessories) up to 30 kW are insurable; Professional series and other large heat pumps are excluded

video: heat pump insurance from arctic

up to 15 years of protection with arctic heat pump insurance

In three steps to your heat pump insurance


To be able to conclude the insurance, a warranty extension IBN 5+ must be or has been carried out on your heat pump via NOVELAN customer service. This means that the first five years are covered by the factory warranty. A warranty extension IBN5+ with costs can be ordered via your installer / contractor.

2. Register your heat pump

With NOVELAN Net, you can control your heat pump from anywhere in the world using a PC, smartphone or tablet. All you need is an internet connection and a suitable web browser.

3. conclude insurance

On condition that point 1. & 2. you can easily register your NOVELAN heat pump for the insurance program online and thus also take full advantage of all benefits!

FAQ - Artic heat pump insurance

Frequently asked questions about the insurance

What happens in case of damage?

Have you detected damage on your unit and already had it repaired? Then simply fill out a claim form and send it to ARCTIC Seals AB. In addition, a copy of the insurance certificate, the repair report and the repair invoice are required. Furthermore, you should enclose the proof of purchase and any other supporting documents that may be important in settling the claim.

Important: The damage must be repaired before the heat pump insurance company will pay. If repair is not possible, the insurance company may decide to replace the heat pump. Please note that written approval from the insurer is required for the replacement. So be sure to contact ARCTIC beforehand to make sure you receive your compensation."

What does the insurance cost?

The current price for the first year after the manufacturer's warranty is: EURO 135 incl. 19% insurance tax per heat pump.

Is there a deductible?

In case of damage, a deductible of 100 € per damage applies. The deductible does not apply if a maintenance contract is presented. This insurance is a full protection insurance and covers all mechanical damage to your heat pump.

Who is Arctic and where can I find the terms and conditions?

Our insurance partner, the company Arctic already counts several hundred thousand heat pump owners among its customers. You can view the terms and conditions of heat pump insurance at the bottom of the page.